
标题: PHP网页设计PHP中的类-操作XML(1) [打印本页]

作者: 冷月葬花魂    时间: 2015-2-16 00:25
标题: PHP网页设计PHP中的类-操作XML(1)

http://www.hansanderson.com/ me


   (c) 2000 Hans Anderson Corporation.  All Rights Reserved.
   You are free to use and modify this class under the same
   guidelines found in the PHP License.




   Version 1.0

       - 1.0 is the first actual release of the class.  It's  
         finally what I was hoping it would be, though there
         are likely to still be some bugs in it.  This is
         a much changed version, and if you have downloaded
         a previous version, this WON'T work with your existing
         scripts!  You'll need to make some SIMPLE changes.

       - .92 fixed bug that didn't include tag attributes

         (to use attributes, add _attributes[array_index]
          to the end of the tag in question:
           $xml_html_head_body_img would become
          for example)

          -- Thanks to Nick Winfield <nick@wirestation.co.uk>
             for reporting this bug.

       - .91 No Longer requires PHP4!

       - .91 now all elements are array.  Using objects has
         been discontinued.


   What class.xml.php is:

   A very, very easy to use XML parser class. It uses PHP's XML functions
   for you, returning one array that has all the tag information.  The only  
   hard part is figuring out the syntax of the tags!


   Sample use:

   $file = "data.xml";
   $data = implode("",file($file)) or die("could not open XML input file");
   $obj = new xml($data,"xml");

   print $xml["hans"][0]->num_results[0];
   for($i=0;$i<sizeof($xml["hans"]);$i++) {
    print $xml["hans"][$i]->tag[0] . " ";

   To print url attributes (if they exist):

   print $xml["hans"][0]->attributes[0]["size"]; # where "size" was an attr name

   (that's it! slick, huh?)

   Two ways to call xml class:  

       $xml = new xml($data);
       - or -
       $xml = new xml($data,"jellyfish");

   The second argument (jellyfish) is optional.  Default is 'xml'.
   All the second argument does is give you a chance to name the array
   that is returned something besides "xml" (in case you are already using
   that name).  Normal PHP variable name rules apply.


   Explanation of xml class:

   This class takes valid XML data as an argument and  
   returns all the information in a complex but loopable array.

   Here's how it works:


             <title>Hans Anderson's XML Class</title>

       Run the data through my class, then access the title like this:

       Or, loop through them:
       for($i=0;$i<sizeof($xml["html_head"]);$i++) {
           print $xml["html_head"][$i]->title[0] . " ";

       Yes, the variable names *are* long and messy, but it's
       the best way to create the tree, IMO.

Here is a complex explanation I sent to one class.xml.php user:


> Now I've run into another problem:
> <STORY TIMESTAMP="2000-12-15T20:08:00,0">
> Writer</BYLINE>
> </STORY>
> How do I get BYLINE_AUTHOR?

print $xml["STORY_BYLINE"][0]->BYLINE_AUTHOR[0];

> And just a little question: Is there an easy way to get TIMESTAMP?

print $xml["STORY"][0]->attributes[0]["TIMESTAMP"];

This is confusing, I know, but it's the only way I could really do
this.  Here's the rundown:

The $xml part is an array -- an array of arrays.  The first array is the
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