标题: ASP编程:一个通俗的数据库例子源源法式 [打印本页] 作者: 灵魂腐蚀 时间: 2015-2-16 00:22 标题: ASP编程:一个通俗的数据库例子源源法式 源代码保护方面其实现在考虑得没那么多了..NET也可以反编译.ASP写得复杂的话别人能看得懂的话.他也有能力自己写了.这方面担心的倒不太多. 纵观现在网上可以下载的那些所谓BBS还有什么网站等等的源代码 To assist in interfacing with databases. This script can format variables and return SQL formats.
Such as double quoting apposterphies and surrounding strings with quotes, Returning NULL for invalid data
types, trimming strings so they do not exceed maximum lengths. This also has some functions so that you
can open and close databases more conveiently with just one line of code. You can query a database and get
an Array as well with some code.
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' for :Common Database Routines
Copyright (c) 1999 by Lewis Moten, All rights reserved.
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' Name: Common Database Routines
' Description:To assist in interfacing w
' ith databases. This script can format va
' riables and return SQL formats. Such as
' double quoting apposterphies and surroun
' ding strings with quotes, Returning NULL
' for invalid data types, trimming strings
' so they do not exceed maximum lengths. T
' his also has some functions so that you
' can open and close databases more convei
' ently with just one line of code. You ca
' n query a database and get an Array as w
' ell with some code.
' By: Lewis Moten
' Inputs:None
' Returns:None
'Assumes:This script assumes that you at
' least have Microsoft ActiveX Data Object
' s 2.0 or Higher (ADODB). This script may
' get some getting used to at first until
' you go through and study what each routi
' ne can do.
'Side Effects:None
'code provided by Planet Source Code(tm)
' (www.Planet-Source-Code.com) 'as is', wi
' thout warranties as to performance, fitn
' ess, merchantability,and any other warra
' nty (whether expressed or implied).
'Terms of Agreement:
'By using this source code, you agree to
' the following terms...
' 1) You may use this source code in per
' sonal projects and may compile it into a
' n .exe/.dll/.ocx and distribute it in bi
' nary format freely and with no charge.
' 2) You MAY NOT redistribute this sourc
' e code (for example to a web site) witho
' ut written permission from the original
' author.Failure to do so is a violation o
' f copyright laws.
' 3) You may link to this code from anot
' her website, provided it is not wrapped
' in a frame.
' 4) The author of this code may have re
' tained certain additional copyright righ
' ts.If so, this is indicated in the autho
' r's description.
<!--METADATA Type="TypeLib" NAME="Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 Library" UUID="{00000200-0000-
0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}" VERSION="2.0"-->
' Setup the ConnectionString
sCONNECTION_STRING = "DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver
Dim oConn
' ----------------------------------------
Function DBConnOpen(ByRef aoConnObj)
' This routine connects To a database and returns
' weather or Not it was successful
' Prepare For any errors that may occur While connecting To the database
On Error Resume Next
' Create a connection object
Set aoConnObj = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
' Open a connection To the database
' If any errors have occured
If Err Then
' Clear errors
' Release connection object
Set aoConnObj = Nothing
' Return unsuccessful results
DBConnOpen = False
' Else errors did Not occur
' Return successful results
DBConnOpen = True
End If ' Err
End Function ' DBConnOpen
' ----------------------------------------
Public Function DBConnClose(ByRef aoConnObj)
' This routine closes the database connection and releases objects
' from memory
' If the connection variable has been defined as an object
If IsObject(aoConnObj) Then
' If the connection is open
If aoConnObj.State = adStateOpen Then
' Close the connection
' Return positive Results
DBConnClose = True
End If ' aoConnObj.State = adStateOpen
' Release connection object
Set aoConnObj = Nothing
End If ' IsObject(aoConnObj)
End Function ' DBConnClose
' ----------------------------------------
Public Function SetData(ByRef asSQL, ByRef avDataAry)
' This routine acquires data from the database
Dim loRS ' ADODB.Recordset Object
' Create Recordset Object
Set loRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
' Prepare For errors when opening database connection
On Error Resume Next
' If a connection object has been defined
If IsObject(oConn) Then
' If the connection is open
If oConn.State = adStateOpen Then
' Acquire data With connection object
Call loRS.Open(asSQL, oConn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly)
' Else the connection is closed
' Set the ConnectionString
Call SetConnectionString(csConnectionString)
' If atempt To open connection succeeded
If DBConnOpen() Then
' Acquire data With connection object
Call loRS.Open(asSQL, oConn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly)
' Return connection object To closed state
Call DBConnClose()
End If ' DBConnOpen()
End If ' aoConn.State = adStateOpen
' Else active connection is the ConnectionString
' Acquire data With ConnectionString
Call loRS.Open(asSQL, sCONNECTION_STRING, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly)
End If ' IsObject(oConn)
' If errors occured
If Err Then
response.write "<HR color=red>" & err.description & "<HR color=red>" & asSQL & "<HR
' Clear the Error
' If the recorset is open
If loRS.State = adStateOpen Then
' Close the recorset
End If ' loRS.State = adStateOpen
' Release Recordset from memory
Set loRS = Nothing
' Return negative results
SetData = False
' Exit Routine
Exit Function
End If ' Err
' Return positve results
SetData = True
' If data was found
If Not loRS.EOF Then
' Pull data into an array
avDataAry = loRS.GetRows
End If ' Not loRS.EOF
' Close Recordset
' Release object from memory
Set loRS = Nothing
End Function ' SetData
' ----------------------------------------
' SQL Preperations are used to prepare v
' ariables for SQL Queries. If
' invalid data is passed to these routin
' es, NULL values or Default Data
' is returned to keep your SQL Queries f
' rom breaking from users breaking
' datatype rules.
' ----------------------------------------
Public Function SQLPrep_s(ByVal asExpression, ByRef anMaxLength)
' If maximum length is defined
If anMaxLength > 0 Then
' Trim expression To maximum length
asExpression = Left(asExpression, anMaxLength)
End If ' anMaxLength > 0
' Double quote SQL quote characters
asExpression = WordStr(asExpression, "'", "''")
' If Expression is Empty
If asExpression = "" Then
' Return a NULL value
SQLPrep_s = "NULL"
' Else expression is Not empty
' Return quoted expression
SQLPrep_s = "'" & asExpression & "'"
End If ' asExpression
End Function ' SQLPrep_s
' ----------------------------------------
Public Function SQLPrep_n(ByVal anExpression)
' If expression numeric
If IsNumeric(anExpression) And Not anExpression = "" Then
' Return number
SQLPrep_n = anExpression
' Else expression Not numeric
' Return NULL
SQLPrep_n = "NULL"
End If ' IsNumeric(anExpression) And Not anExpression = ""
End Function ' SQLPrep_n
' ----------------------------------------
Public Function SQLPrep_b(ByVal abExpression, ByRef abDefault)
' Declare Database Constants
Const lbTRUE = -1 '1 = SQL, -1 = Access
Const lbFALSE = 0
Dim lbResult ' Result To be passed back
' Prepare For any errors that may occur
On Error Resume Next
' If expression Not provided
If abExpression = "" Then
' Set expression To default value
abExpression = abDefault
End If ' abExpression = ""
' Attempt To convert expression
lbResult = CBool(abExpression)
' If Err Occured
If Err Then
' Clear the Error
' Determine action based on Expression
Select Case LCase(abExpression)
' True expressions
Case "yes", "on", "true", "-1", "1"
lbResult = True
' False expressions
Case "no", "off", "false", "0"
lbResult = False
' Unknown expression
Case Else
lbResult = abDefault
End Select ' LCase(abExpression)
End If ' Err
' If result is True
If lbResult Then
' Return True
SQLPrep_b = lbTRUE
' Else Result is False
' Return False
SQLPrep_b = lbFALSE
End If ' lbResult
End Function ' SQLPrep_b
' ----------------------------------------
Public Function SQLPrep_d(ByRef adExpression)
' If Expression valid Date
If IsDate(adExpression) Then
' Return Date
'SQLPrep_d = "'" & adExpression & "'" ' SQL Database
SQLPrep_d = "#" & adExpression & "#" ' Access Database
' Else Expression Not valid Date
' Return NULL
SQLPrep_d = "NULL"
End If ' IsDate(adExpression)
End Function ' SQLPrep_d
' ----------------------------------------
Public Function SQLPrep_c(ByVal acExpression)
' If Empty Expression
If acExpression = "" Then
' Return Null
SQLPrep_c = "NULL"
' Else expression has content
' Prepare For Errors
On Error Resume Next
' Attempt To convert expression to Currency
SQLPRep_c = CCur(acExpression)
' If Error occured
If Err Then
' Clear Error
SQLPrep_c = "NULL"
End If ' Err
End If ' acExpression = ""
End Function ' SQLPrep_c
' ----------------------------------------
Function buildJoinStatment(sTable,sFldLstAry,rs,conn)
Dim i,sSql,sTablesAry,sJnFldsAry,bJoinAry,sJoinDisplay
ReDim sTablesAry(UBound(sFldLstAry))
ReDim sJnFldsAry(UBound(sFldLstAry))
ReDim bJoinAry(UBound(sFldLstAry))
For i = 0 To UBound(sFldLstAry)
sSql = "SELECT OBJECT_NAME(rkeyid),COL_NAME(rkeyid,rkey1)"
sSql = sSql &" FROM sysreferences"
sSql = sSql &" WHERE fkeyid = OBJECT_ID('"& sTable &"') "
sSql = sSql &" AND col_name(fkeyid,fkey1) = '"& Trim(sFldLstAry(i)) &"'"
rs.open sSql,conn
If Not rs.eof Then
sTablesAry(i) = rs(0)
sJnFldsAry(i) = rs(1)
End If
If UBound(sFldLstAry) >= 0 Then
For i = 0 To UBound(sFldLstAry)
If sTablesAry(i) <> "" Then
bJoinAry(i) = True
bJoinAry(i) = False
End If
If i <> UBound(sFldLstAry) Then sSql = sSql &" +' - '+ "
sSql = "FROM "& sTable
For i = 0 To UBound(sFldLstAry)
If bJoinAry(i) Then sSql = sSql &" LEFT JOIN "& sTablesAry(i) &" ON "& sTable &"."& sFldLstAry(i) &"
= "& sTablesAry(i) &"."& sJnFldsAry(i)
End If
buildJoinStatment = sSql
End Function
' ----------------------------------------
Function buildQuery(ByRef asFieldAry, ByVal asKeyWords)
' To find fields that may have a word in them
' OR roger
' | roger
' roger
' To find fields that must match a word
' AND roger
' + roger
' & roger
' To find fields that must Not match a word
' Not roger
' - roger
' Also use phrases
' +"rogers dog" -cat
' +(rogers dog)
Dim loRegExp
Dim loRequiredWords
Dim loUnwantedWords
Dim loOptionalWords
Dim lsSQL
Dim lnIndex
Dim lsKeyword
Set loRegExp = New RegExp
loRegExp.Global = True
loRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
loRegExp.Pattern = "((AND|[+&])\s*[\(\[\{""].*[\)\]\}""])|((AND\s|[+&])\s*\b[-\w']+\b)"
Set loRequiredWords = loRegExp.Execute(asKeywords)
asKeywords = loRegExp.WordStr(asKeywords, "")
loRegExp.Pattern = "(((NOT|[-])\s*)?[\(\[\{""].*[\)\]\}""])|(((NOT\s+|[-])\s*)\b[-\w']+\b)"
Set loUnwantedWords = loRegExp.Execute(asKeywords)
asKeywords = loRegExp.WordStr(asKeywords, "")
loRegExp.Pattern = "(((OR|[|])\s*)?[\(\[\{""].*[\)\]\}""])|(((OR\s+|[|])\s*)?\b[-\w']+\b)"
Set loOptionalWords = loRegExp.Execute(asKeywords)
asKeywords = loRegExp.WordStr(asKeywords, "")
If Not loRequiredWords.Count = 0 Then
lsSQL = lsSQL & "("
For lnIndex = 0 To loRequiredWords.Count - 1
lsKeyword = loRequiredWords.Item(lnIndex).Value
loRegExp.Pattern = "^(AND|[+&])\s*"
lsKeyword = loRegExp.WordStr(lsKeyword, "")
loRegExp.Pattern = "[()""\[\]{}]"
lsKeyword = loRegExp.WordStr(lsKeyword, "")
lsKeyword = WordStr(lsKeyword, "'", "''")
If Not lnIndex = 0 Then
lsSQL = lsSQL & " AND "
End If
lsSQL = lsSQL & "(" & Join(asFieldAry, " LIKE '%" & lsKeyword & "%' OR ")
& " LIKE '%" & lsKeyword & "%')"
lsSQL = lsSQL & ")"
End If
If Not loOptionalWords.Count = 0 Then
If lsSQL = "" Then
lsSQL = lsSQL & "("
lsSQL = lsSQL & " AND ("
End If
For lnIndex = 0 To loOptionalWords.Count - 1
lsKeyword = loOptionalWords.Item(lnIndex).Value
loRegExp.Pattern = "^(OR|[|])\s*"
lsKeyword = loRegExp.WordStr(lsKeyword, "")
loRegExp.Pattern = "[()""\[\]{}]"
lsKeyword = loRegExp.WordStr(lsKeyword, "")
lsKeyword = WordStr(lsKeyword, "'", "''")
If Not lnIndex = 0 Then
lsSQL = lsSQL & " OR "
End If
lsSQL = lsSQL & "(" & Join(asFieldAry, " LIKE '%" & lsKeyword & "%' OR ")
& " LIKE '%" & lsKeyword & "%')"
lsSQL = lsSQL & ")"
End If
If Not loUnwantedWords.Count = 0 Then
If lsSQL = "" Then
lsSQL = lsSQL & "NOT ("
lsSQL = lsSQL & " AND Not ("
End If
For lnIndex = 0 To loUnwantedWords.Count - 1
lsKeyword = loUnWantedWords.Item(lnIndex).Value
loRegExp.Pattern = "^(NOT|[-])\s*"
lsKeyword = loRegExp.WordStr(lsKeyword, "")
loRegExp.Pattern = "[()""\[\]{}]"
lsKeyword = loRegExp.WordStr(lsKeyword, "")
lsKeyword = WordStr(lsKeyword, "'", "''")
If Not lnIndex = 0 Then
lsSQL = lsSQL & " OR "
End If
lsSQL = lsSQL & "(" & Join(asFieldAry, " LIKE '%" & lsKeyword & "%' OR ")
& " LIKE '%" & lsKeyword & "%')"
lsSQL = lsSQL & ")"
End If
If Not lsSQL = "" Then lsSQL = "(" & lsSQL & ")"
buildQuery = lsSQL
End Function
' ----------------------------------------
在实现ERP等高端的ASP应用时,用户需要提供核心的经营资料,需要ASP商有很高的信用度。楼上说交互性不好,太牵强了吧。在微软提供的一套框架中,利用asp做网站,开发效率高,使用人数少,减少不必要的开销。交互性是互动方式,是有开发人员决定的。作者: 乐观 时间: 2015-2-16 00:35
代码逻辑混乱,难于管理:由于ASP是脚本语言混合html编程,所以你很难看清代码的逻辑关系,并且随着程序的复杂性增加,使得代码的管理十分困难,甚至超出一个程序员所能达到的管理能力,从而造成出错或这样那样的问题。作者: 金色的骷髅 时间: 2015-2-16 00:35
如何更好的使自己的东西看上去很不错等等。其实这些都不是问题的实质,我们可以在实践中不断提升自己,不断充实自己。作者: 若天明 时间: 2015-3-4 19:23
运用ASP可将VBscript、javascript等脚本语言嵌入到HTML中,便可快速完成网站的应用程序,无需编译,可在服务器端直接执行。容易编写,使用普通的文本编辑器编写,如记事本就可以完成。由脚本在服务器上而不是客户端运行,ASP所使用的脚本语言都在服务端上运行。作者: 谁可相欹 时间: 2015-3-11 20:48
Server:这个表示的服务器,操作服务器的一些东西使用这个,如Server.Mappath转换服务器路径,Server.CreateObject实例化一个组件作者: 若相依 时间: 2015-3-17 02:09
哪些内置对象是可以跳过的,或者哪些属性和方法是用不到的?作者: 飘灵儿 时间: 2015-3-23 13:45
那么,ASP.Net有哪些改进呢?作者: 愤怒的大鸟 时间: 2015-3-27 11:51
我可以结合自己的经验大致给你说一说,希望对你有所帮助,少走些弯路。作者: 小女巫 时间: 2015-4-9 15:01
学习ASP其实应该上升到如何学习程序设计这种境界,其实学习程序设计又是接受一种编程思想。比如ASP如何学习,你也许在以前的学习中碰到过。以下我仔细给你说几点:作者: 小妖女 时间: 2015-4-13 02:42
ASP.Net和ASP的最大区别在于编程思维的转换,而不仅仅在于功能的增强。ASP使用VBS/JS这样的脚本语言混合html来编程,而那些脚本语言属于弱类型、面向结构的编程语言,而非面向对象,这就明显产生以下几个问题:作者: 仓酷云 时间: 2015-4-18 05:49
我就感觉到ASP和一些常用的数据库编程以及软件工程方面的思想是非常重要的。我现在也在尝试自己做网页,这其中就用到了ASP,我想它的作用是可想而知的。作者: 再见西城 时间: 2015-4-26 05:11
ASP的语言不仅仅只是命令格式差不多,而是包含在<%%>之内的命令完全就是VB语法。虽然ASP也是做为单独的一个技术来提出的,但他就是完全继承了VB所有的功能。作者: 再现理想 时间: 2015-4-26 12:56
我认为比较好的方法是找一些比较经典的例子,每个例子比较集中一种编程思想而设计的。作者: admin 时间: 2015-4-26 14:21
没有坚实的理论做基础,那么我们连踏入社会第一步的资本都没有,特别对于计算机专业的学生学好专业知识是置关重要的。在这里我侧重讲一下如何学习ASP,从平时的学习过程中。作者: 不帅 时间: 2015-5-1 06:20
哪些内置对象是可以跳过的,或者哪些属性和方法是用不到的?作者: 老尸 时间: 2015-5-5 17:29
我就感觉到ASP和一些常用的数据库编程以及软件工程方面的思想是非常重要的。我现在也在尝试自己做网页,这其中就用到了ASP,我想它的作用是可想而知的。作者: 活着的死人 时间: 2015-7-1 20:03
兴趣爱好,那么你无须学编程,申请一个域名和空间,在网上下载一些免费开源的CMS系统,你不用改代码,只须熟悉它们的后台操作,像office一样简单方便,很快就能建一个站点,很多站长都是这样做的作者: 分手快乐 时间: 2015-7-7 17:08
我想问如何掌握学习节奏(先学什么再学什么)最好详细点?作者: 因胸联盟 时间: 2015-7-9 21:07
哪些内置对象是可以跳过的,或者哪些属性和方法是用不到的?作者: 飘飘悠悠 时间: 2015-7-12 23:23