; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
extension_dir = F:PHPextensions
Edit your php.ini file:
You will need to change the 'extension_dir' setting to
point to your php-install-dir, or where you have placed
your 'php_*.dll' files. ex: c:php
If you are using OmniHTTPd, do not follow the next step.
Set the 'doc_root' to point to your webservers
document_root. ex: c:apachehtdocs or c:webroot
Choose which extensions you would like to load when PHP
starts, noting that several extensions are already built
into the Windows release, see the section about
Windows extensions for details of the built-in extensions.
You can uncomment the: 'extension=php_*.dll' lines
in php.ini to load these extensions.
Note that on a new installation it is advisable to first get
PHP working and tested without any extensions before enabling
them in php.ini.
On PWS and IIS, you can set the browscap.ini
to point to: 'c:windowssysteminetsrvrowscap.ini' on
Windows 9x/Me and 'c:winntsystem32inetsrvrowscap.ini'
on NT/2000/XP Server.
More information on the capabilities of browscap can be found here:
Note that the mibs directory supplied with the Windows distribution
contains support files for SNMP. This directory should be moved to
DRIVE:usrmibs (DRIVE being the drive where PHP is installed.)
; cgi.force_redirect is necessary to provide security running PHP as a CGI under
; most web servers. Left undefined, PHP turns this on by default. You can
; turn it off here AT YOUR OWN RISK
; **You CAN safely turn this off for IIS, in fact, you MUST.**
cgi.force_redirect = 0
切记如上修正的中央.不然PHP 5.0是没法运转的.会有以下提醒.
Security Alert! The PHP CGI cannot be accessed directly.
!NOTE!: Since 4.1.2, the php.ini setting cgi.force_redirect defaults to '1'
which effectively prevents the cgi from working within IIS. You need to set
up at least a minimal php.ini file with the following directive:
cgi.force_redirect = 0
If it doesn't work immidiately, make sure you have the php.ini file in the
right place (%SYSTEMROOT%php.ini).
修正到这里就能够让 Php 与 MYSQL 联系关系了.
最初启动 PHP 对 MYSQL 模块撑持.
查找 extension=php_mysql.dll 字串.删除失落后面的 ; 号
请注重.假如不启动 PHP 对 MYSQL 模块撑持.将没法使 PHPMYADMIN 正常任务.将提醒:
cannot load MySQL extension, please check PHP Configuration
没法装入 MySQL 扩大,请反省 PHP 的设置装备摆设。
To connect to a MySQL server, PHP needs a set of MySQL functions called "MySQL extension".
This extension may be part of the PHP distribution (compiled-in), otherwise it needs to be loaded dynamically.
Its name is probably mysql.so or php_mysql.dll. phpMyAdmin tried to load the extension but failed.