/* the function we call to insert.
the $skills argument is the skills array that
is sent to the script when the user hits the submit button
function insert_skills($uid, $skills) {
/* first, we'll delete any entries this user already has
in the table */
purge_lookup("lookup_skills", $uid);
/* now create the sql insert query */
$query = create_checkbox_query($skills, "lookup_skills", $uid);
/* execute the query */
/* helper function for insert_skills().
removes all rows in $table with $uid */
function purge_lookup($table, $uid) {
$q = "DELETE FROM $table, WHERE uid = '$uid'";
/* helper function for insert_skills().
generates the sctual SQL query */
function create_checkbox_query($arr, $table, $uid) {
$q = "INSERT INTO $table (uid, skill_id) VALUES";
/* builds a query to search for the skills
checked off in the $skills array */
function skill_search($skills) {
if (!empty($skills)) {
$query = "SELECT DISTINCT user.username
FROM user, const_skills, lookup_skills
WHERE lookup_skills.uid = user.id
AND lookup_skills.skill_id = const_skills.id ";
$query .= " AND (";
foreach ($skills as $check) {
$query .= " const_skills.id = $check OR";
/* remove the final OR */
$query = substr($query, 0, -2);
$query .= ")";
$count = count($skills);
$query .= " GROUP BY user.username HAVING count(user.username) >= $count";
$query .= ";";
return $query;
假如履行了搜刮 PHP 和 Javascript ,这个函数前往这个语句:
SELECT DISTINCT user.username FROM user, const_skills, lookup_skills WHERE lookup_skills.uid = user.id AND lookup_skills.skill_id = const_skills.id AND ( const_skills.id = 3 OR const_skills.id = 5 ) GROUP BY user.username HAVING count(user.username) >= 2;