<TITLE>Request for more information</TITLE>
<CENTER>Would you like more information about our company?
<TABLE WIDTH = 400><TR><TD align = right>
<FORM ACTION="email.php3" METHOD="POST">
Your name:<BR>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="name" SIZE="20" MAXLENGTH="30">
Your email address:<BR>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="email" SIZE="20" MAXLENGTH="30">
I prefer:
<SELECT NAME="preference">
<OPTION value = Apples>Apples
<OPTION value = Oranges>Oranges
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Send it!">
注重 action指向文件:email.php3 上面就是email.php3文件:
/* this script will handle the variables passed from the moreinfo.html file */
PRINT "<CENTER>";PRINT "Hello, $name.";PRINT "<BR><BR>";
PRINT "Thank you for your interest.<BR><BR>";
PRINT "We will send information to $email, and have noted that you like $preference.";
mail("$email", "Your request for information", "$namen
Thank you for your interest!nWe sell fresh corn daily over the Internet!
Place your order at http://www.buycorn.com,
and receive a free package of $preference!");
"Visitor request for info.","$name requested for information.n
The email address is $email. n The visitor prefers $preference.");