分手快乐 发表于 2015-2-3 23:43:39

PHP网页编程之Apache 2.2.15版宣布

培训的第三阶段,开始接触MYSQL,设计数据库,学习PHP如何去连接MYSQL数据库。对于MYSQL,我并不陌生,因为学校开设了Linux系统的课程,对于数据库的操作。   </p> Apache HTTP Server(简称Apache)是Apache软件基金会的一个开放源码的网页办事器,可以在大多半盘算机操作体系中运转,因为其跨平台和平安性被普遍 利用,是最盛行的Web办事器端软件之一。它疾速、牢靠而且可经由过程复杂的API扩大,将Perl/Python等注释器编译到办事器中。 http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/httpd-2.2.15.tar.bz2

Changes with Apache 2.2.15

*) SECURITY: CVE-2009-3555 (cve.mitre.org)
mod_ssl: Comprehensive fix of the TLS renegotiation prefix injection
attack when compiled against OpenSSL version 0.9.8m or later. Introduces
the 'SSLInsecureRenegotiation' directive to reopen this vulnerability
and offer unsafe legacy renegotiation with clients which do not yet
support the new secure renegotiation protocol, RFC 5746.

*) SECURITY: CVE-2009-3555 (cve.mitre.org)
mod_ssl: A partial fix for the TLS renegotiation prefix injection attack
by rejecting any client-initiated renegotiations. Forcibly disable
keepalive for the connection if there is any buffered data readable. Any
configuration which requires renegotiation for per-directory/location
access control is still vulnerable, unless using OpenSSL >= 0.9.8l.

*) SECURITY: CVE-2010-0408 (cve.mitre.org)
mod_proxy_ajp: Respond with HTTP_BAD_REQUEST when the body is not sent
when request headers indicate a request body is incoming; not a case of

*) SECURITY: CVE-2010-0425 (cve.mitre.org)
mod_isapi: Do not unload an isapi .dll module until the request
processing is completed, avoiding orphaned callback pointers.

*) SECURITY: CVE-2010-0434 (cve.mitre.org)
Ensure each subrequest has a shallow copy of headers_in so that the
parent request headers are not corrupted. Elimiates a problematic
optimization in the case of no request body. PR 48359

*) mod_reqtimeout: New module to set timeouts and minimum data rates for
receiving requests from the client.

*) mod_proxy_ajp: Really regard the operation a success, when the client
aborted the connection. In addition adjust the log message if the client
aborted the connection.

*) mod_negotiation: Preserve query string over multiviews negotiation.
This buglet was fixed for type maps in 2.2.6, but the same issue
affected multiviews and was overlooked.
PR 33112

*) mod_cache: Introduce the thundering herd lock, a mechanism to keep
the flood of requests at bay that strike a backend webserver as
a cached entity goes stale.

*) mod_proxy_http: Make sure that when an ErrorDocument is served
from a reverse proxied URL, that the subrequest respects the status
of the original request. This brings the behaviour of proxy_handler
in line with default_handler. PR 47106.

*) mod_log_config: Add the R option to log the handler used within the

*) mod_include: Allow fine control over the removal of Last-Modified and
ETag headers within the INCLUDES filter, making it possible to cache
responses if desired. Fix the default value of the SSIAccessEnable

*) mod_ssl: Fix a potential I/O hang if a long list of trusted CAs
is configured for client cert auth. PR 46952.

*) core: Fix potential memory leaks by making sure to not destroy
bucket brigades that have been created by earlier filters.

*) mod_authnz_ldap: Add AuthLDAPBindAuthoritative to allow Authentication to
try other providers in the case of an LDAP bind failure.
PR 46608

*) mod_proxy, mod_proxy_http: Support remote https proxies
by using HTTP CONNECT.
PR 19188.

*) worker: Don't report server has reached MaxClients until it has.
Add message when server gets within MinSpareThreads of MaxClients.
PR 46996.

*) mod_ssl: When extracting certificate subject/issuer names to the
SSL_*_DN_* variables, handle RDNs with duplicate tags by
exporting multiple varialables with an "_n" integer suffix.
PR 45875.

*) mod_authnz_ldap: Failures to map a username to a DN, or to check a user
password now result in an informational level log entry instead of
warning level.

*) core: Preserve Port information over internal redirects
PR 35999

*) mod_filter: fix FilterProvider matching where "dispatch" string
doesn't exist.
PR 48054 [<tietw gmail.com>]

*) Build: fix --with-module to work as documented
PR 43881

*) mod_mime: Make RemoveType override the info from TypesConfig.
PR 38330.

*) mod_proxy: unable to connect to a backend is SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE,
rather than BAD_GATEWAY or (especially) NOT_FOUND.
PR 46971

*) mod_charset_lite: Honor 'CharsetOptions NoImplicitAdd'.

*) mod_ldap: If LDAPSharedCacheSize is too small, try harder to purge
some cache entries and log a warning. Also increase the default
LDAPSharedCacheSize to 500000. This is a more realistic size suitable
for the default values of 1024 for LdapCacheEntries/LdapOpCacheEntries.
PR 46749.

*) mod_disk_cache, mod_mem_cache: don't cache incomplete responses,
per RFC 2616, 13.8. PR15866.

*) mod_rewrite: Make sure that a hostname:port isn't fully qualified if
the request is a CONNECT request. PR 47928

*) mod_cache: correctly consider s-maxage in cacheability

*) core: Return APR_EOF if request body is shorter than the length announced
by the client. PR 33098 [ Stefan Fritsch <sf sfritsch.de>]

*) mod_rewrite: Add scgi scheme detection. [Andr

飘飘悠悠 发表于 2015-2-4 06:10:52


若天明 发表于 2015-2-8 19:56:29


莫相离 发表于 2015-2-14 09:13:53


飘灵儿 发表于 2015-2-26 01:05:28

遇到出错的时候,我经常把错误信息直接复制到 google的搜索栏,一般情况都是能搜到结果的,不过有时候会搜出来一大片英文的出来,这时候就得过滤一下,吧中文的弄出来,挨着式方法。

爱飞 发表于 2015-2-28 15:01:12


谁可相欹 发表于 2015-3-5 19:39:43


只想知道 发表于 2015-3-12 12:15:19

说点我烦的低级错误吧,曾经有次插入mysql的时间 弄了300年结果老报错,其实mysql的时间是有限制的,大概是到203X年具体的记不清啦,囧。

分手快乐 发表于 2015-3-19 22:05:21


小女巫 发表于 2015-4-1 21:08:50


老尸 发表于 2015-4-13 01:02:16


简单生活 发表于 2015-4-18 05:29:28

在我安装pear包的时候老是提示,缺少某某文件,才发现 那群extension 的排列是应该有一点的顺序,而我安装的版本的排序不是正常的排序。没办法我只好把那群冒号加了上去,只留下我需要使用的扩展。

若相依 发表于 2015-4-21 07:29:42

最后介绍一个代码出错,但是老找不到错误方法,就是 go to wc (囧),出去换换气没准回来就找到错误啦。

柔情似水 发表于 2015-4-24 06:35:09

在我安装pear包的时候老是提示,缺少某某文件,才发现 那群extension 的排列是应该有一点的顺序,而我安装的版本的排序不是正常的排序。没办法我只好把那群冒号加了上去,只留下我需要使用的扩展。

不帅 发表于 2015-4-24 22:08:51


金色的骷髅 发表于 2015-6-12 18:50:50

曾经犯过一个很低级的错误,我在文件命名的时候用了一个横线\\\\\\\'-\\\\\\\' 号,结果找了好几个小时的错误,事实是命名的时候 是不能用横线 \\\\\\\'-\\\\\\\' 的,应该用的是下划线\\\\\\\'_\\\\\\\' ;

再现理想 发表于 2015-6-22 23:17:38


深爱那片海 发表于 2015-6-29 23:05:24

首推的搜索引擎当然是Google大神,其次我比较喜欢 百度知道。不过搜出来的结果往往都是 大家copy来copy去的,运气的的概率很大。

小妖女 发表于 2015-7-10 14:13:00

有位前辈曾经跟我说过,phper 至少要掌握200个函数 编起程序来才能顺畅点,那些不熟悉的函数记不住也要一拿手册就能找到。所以建议新手们没事就看看php的手册(至少array函数和string函数是要记牢的)。

变相怪杰 发表于 2015-7-11 15:10:39

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